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November 2024
OHS November Open House
Remembering Trains to the Army-Navy Game. Odenton’s railroad connections played a pivotal role in moving masses of people to the annual Army-Navy football game, a 134-year-old tradition that stirs loyalties and rivalries in the Washington-Fort Meade-Annapolis military community. On Sunday, November 3, the Odenton Heritage Society will open a display about special trains that carried midshipmen from Annapolis to Odenton, where they changed railroads to reach game venues near Philadelphia or New York. The display, which covers the years 1900 to…
Find out more »December 2024
OHS Holiday Open House & Bake Sale
Join the Odenton Heritage Society for our Holiday Open House & Bake Sale on Sunday, December 1! Enjoy free tours of our museum and support our all-volunteer work by visiting our bake sale, featuring delicious homemade treats donated by our wonderful volunteers and members. All proceeds go directly to our preservation efforts. The OHS Historical Center Museum presents more than 150 years of local history through objects, photographs, and Audio-Visual programs. Our 1912 Colonial Revival two-story building has been restored…
Find out more »Odenton Annual Christmas Tree Lighting & Visit with Santa Claus
Join us for the Annual Odenton Christmas Tree Lighting which will be on Saturday December 7th from 5PM until 7PM, at the Odenton MARC station located at 1402 Odenton Road (west side of the tracks in front of the OHS old Bank Building). Parking is free. We’ll have refreshments and music. Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive by the Odenton Volunteer Fire Company fire truck at 5:30PM and will sit with children for photos after the lighting of the tree.…
Find out more »January 2025
OHS January 2025 Open House
Our first open house of the New Year will feature the Lost Hammond Mansion Display. An 18th century “lost mansion” on a plantation that later became the U.S. Naval Academy Dairy in Gambrills will be the focus of a display at the Odenton Heritage Society during on Sunday, January 5.The prominent Hammond family of Annapolis completed the mansion by approximately 1730. Generations of descendants, including Matthias Hammond, owner of the Hammond-Harwood House in Annapolis, resided at the plantation, as did…
Find out more »February 2025
OHS February 2025 Open House
In 1840, a steam railroad branching off the Baltimore and Ohio reached Annapolis, shrinking time and distance and effectively bringing the city closer to Baltimore and Washington. At the Odenton Heritage Society’s open house on Sunday, February 2, a new display, “By Rail to Annapolis,” will explore social and technological changes that the new railroad brought. From the birth of telegraphy to electronic journalism, railroad-mounted artillery, prisoner of war transport, and crops shipped to market by rail, the fledgling railroad…
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